Look to highway rights-of-way for MISO LRTP Tranche 2.1 projects
Colorado Coalition to Advocate for Building Transmission Along Highways
Minnesota takes rare step to allow power lines alongside highways
Transmission development to benefit as Minnesota opens all state and federal highways for transmission co-location
All Minnesota Public Right of Ways Now Open for Transmission Co-Location
NextGen Highways launches effort to build transmission lines along public right of way in Minnesota
Minnesota Coalition to Advocate for Building Transmission Along Highways
California looks to add solar and transmission along highways
Earth Matters: Calif. looks into building roadside solar; maybe gov’t should come for your burger
Accelerate the US high-capacity transmission build-out with voluntary, strategic co-location
Energywire: Coalition launches to push transmission along highways
Utility Dive: Minnesota highway initiative goes national to advance co-located energy, communications buildout
NextGen Highways Launches National Coalition
Survey: Minnesota Voters Want Electric Transmission Lines Built Along Highways
NextGen Highways Secures Funding To Expand Siting Of Electric Transmission In Public Rights-of-Way
Bill Gates funds advocacy for siting new transmission along highways
Utility Dive: Transmission troubles? A solution could be lying along rail lines and next generation highways
Canary Media: How transmission along railroads and highways could break open clean energy growth
E&E EnergyWire: Are highway rights of way an answer to power siting dilemma?
S&P Global Market Intelligence: “Study details benefits of burying HVDC lines along existing rights-of-way,”
RTOInsider (see attached): “US Interstate Highways: A NIMBY-free Corridor for Grid Expansion?”
Our Energy Policy Library: NextGen Highways Feasibility Study for the Minnesota Department of Transportation
ITS International: Minnesota Roads Could Go Electric