If speed-to-the-ball is an important consideration in decarbonization and electrification, then using existing infrastructure ROW for new electric transmission is a must
The United States is on the verge of making a generational investment in its infrastructure. The success or failure of this investment will determine the country’s economic competitiveness in the coming decades.
Coordinated, pro-active and holistic planning will be key to that success. Planning needs to reimagine highways, railways and other existing rights-of-way as infrastructure corridors where electric and communications infrastructure are strategically and safely co-located in the right-of-way (ROW).
NextGen Highways in the news
Colorado Coalition to Advocate for Building Transmission Along Highways
Minnesota takes rare step to allow power lines alongside highways
Transmission development to benefit as Minnesota opens all state and federal highways for transmission co-location
All Minnesota Public Right of Ways Now Open for Transmission Co-Location
Minnesota Shows Why Collaboration Between Diverse Stakeholders is the Key to Successful Energy Infrastructure Reform
If you missed our earlier announcement, NextGen Highways and our Minnesota Coalition scored a major victory last month with the signing of the state’s omnibus transportation bill.
(more…)Join us and help speed the process of permitting and building necessary infrastructure
Proactively help advance the use of society’s existing public rights-of-way, like highway ROW, for co-location of electric transmission and communications infrastructure.
As a member your organization can influence transmission and communications infrastructure policies and contribute to discussions of how best to utilize existing highway ROW to support infrastructure investment.
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